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Woman standing beside door of Comedy Theater, on Pannónia Street, Budapest with onlookers c 1912
Giza Mészáros as "Nancy" for the Veber-Gorsse play "Csitri" 1912
Giza Mészáros and Zoltán Szerémy at the Comedy Theater 1912
A group of men stand on the corner near the Lipót körút, Vígszínház (The Theatre) c 1912
3 men standing in front of the Vígszínház
Gyula Csortos. Backstage at the Vígszínház. circa 1914
Woman standing and smiling. Likely in costume backstage at the Vígszínház. circa 1914
Woman in costume. Likely onstage at the Vígszínház. circa 1914
Gyula Hegedűs ain costume as "The Cardinal" for the play "Miss Primerose" 1912
Gyula Hegedűs in costume as “The Cardinal” for the play “Miss Primerose”.
Gyula Hegedűs with Hermin Haraszti 1912
Hermin Haraszthy as “Madame Sermaisen” for the play “Miss Primerose” at the Comedy Theater 1912
Hermin Haraszthy as “Madame Sermaisen” for the play “Miss Primerose” at the Comedy Theater 1912
Ella Góthné Kertész as “Primerose for the play “Miss Primerose” at the Vígszínház (Comedy Theater) 1912
Margit Makay backstage at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Giza Mészáros (playing “Donatienne”)- for the play “Miss Primerose”
Ella Kertész in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Ella Kertész in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Ella Kertész in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Ella Kertész in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Ella Kertész in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Ella Kertész in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Sándor Góth in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Sándor Góth in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Unidentified woman in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Unidentified woman in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Unidentified woman in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Unidentified women in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Unidentified woman in costume, with male onlooker, at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Unidentified woman in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Unidentified women in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Unidentified woman in costume at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Unidentified women in costume for a performance of The Golden Cage, at the Comedy Theater, November 16, 1912
Irén Varsányi at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Irén Varsányi at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Irén Varsányi at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Irén Varsányi at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Irén Varsányi at the Comedy Theatre, Budapest 1912
Woman in costume backstage at Vígszínház. circa 1912