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AK Series

Ludovika Military Academy circa 1912

More information on the Ludovika Military Academy can be found on Wikipedia.

Men on an obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men on obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men on obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men in uniform walking through the grounds of the Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men walking field near the main building of the Ludovica Military Academy c. 1912
Men in obstacle training at the Ludovica Military Academy c.1912
Military drill at the Ludovica Military Academy c. 1912
Men sitting for portrait at the Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men in a meeting at the Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men in uniform inside the Ludovika Military Academy.
Men at large dinner in the Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
László Isépy at the Ludovika Military Academy with soldiers. circa 1912
Men on an obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men on an obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy. circa 1912
A soccer match at the Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Horse Training in the North Corner of the Ludovica Military Academy. circa 1912
On the Academy Sports Field. (Ludovika Military Academy) Budapest. circa 1911