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Rowing on the Danube. circa 1913
Man standing on another mans shoulders on the banks of the Danube. circa 1913
Two Women c 1914
Two Women c 1914
Women posing on seat.
Two Women - snacking.
Two Woman. c 1914
Two Women. c 1914
Two Women. c 1914
Lulu and János Hoffman. circa 1911
Woman and child walking along path. circa 1912
Viktor Isépy and his mother Viktorné Isépy and young girl walking along the Danube. circa 1912
László Isépy circa 1914
László Isépy sitting at table with unidentified man circa 1914
Two men looking through doorway - circa 1916
Woman sitting in garden circa 1913
László Isépy sitting at table circa 1914
Woman with child circa 1913
Woman and small child outside. circa 1916
Woman and Man on sofa. circa 1916
A woman and two men. circa 1916
A woman and two men. circa 1916
Man standing, and woman possibly having pulse checked by doctor. circa 1916
Old man sitting at desk. circa 1916
Woman laying on sofa. circa 1916
Woman on balcony circa 1914
Woman and man in uniform on balcony. circa 1914
Woman and man in uniform on balcony. circa 1914
Irén Varsányi 1911
Irén Varsányi 1911
Miss Margittay. In costume for the pantomime "Sumurun" by Friedrich Freksa.
Ilona Hegedűsné Berzétey and Irén Csáky for the pantomume Sumurun.
Ilona Hegedűsné Berzétey in costume for the pantomime Sumurun.
Irén (Biri) Csáky circa 1912
Giza Mészáros reclining on sofa. circa 1912
Actress behind the backdrop. circa 1912
Actors behind a backdrop. circa 1912