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Box Covers

Negatives Album case.
The box containing K Series (Karlsbad) and MB Series (Marienbad). Inside the box is scrawled "Karlsbad".
The box containing "Danube Vacation" Series
The box containing the C Series. "Berlin" is written on the inside of the box.
Jardin du Luxemberg
The "Paris" Box - 2339 - Portraits and the Ludovica Military Academy.
The cover of Box 7588 - Labelled "Heringsdorf P".
Box Cover 7820 - "Maszatos Pali"
Box Containing photos in Series 8023 - Ku
The box containing all images in the Box 8237 Category
The box containing images in Box Series 8684
The box containing photos from the Vajdahunyad Castle Series.
Box Cover for 8664 Magda and Csáki
The box containing all images in Series 8908.
The box containing all photos in Box Series 89xx
The box containing photos in Series 8x30
The box features various Portraits, believed to be taken in Budapest of various family members and the Photographer c. 1912
The box containing all photos in Series 9204
The box containing the Duna P Series. Also included were 1912 - Series 2 - 23 and 1912 - Series 4 - 50.
The box containing images in the Box 9347 Category.