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9204 – 03

Emil Fenyvesi as "Oroszy" backstage at the play "Farsang" (Carnival) by Ferenc Molnár at the Vígszínház (Comedy Theatre), Budapest October 28th 1916.

9204 – 04

Kemenes Lajos as "Edmond" - backstage at the play "Farsang" (Carnival) by Ferenc Molnár at the Vígszínház (Comedy Theatre), Budapest October 28th 1916.

9204 – 05

Frigyes Tanay as “Miklós” backstage at the play “Farsang” (Carnival) by Ferenc Molnár at the Vígszínház (Comedy Theatre), Budapest October 28th 1916.

9204 – 15

Sári Kürthy as the "Second Dressmaker", and in the background is Sári Fedák as "Kamilla Oroszy" backstage for the play "Carnival" by Ferenc Molnár at the Vígszínház (Comedy Theatre), Budapest 1916