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Crowd looking at cannons at the East Entrance of Budapest Parliment. circa 1913
Woman with her horse buggy in Budapest. circa 1912
Two woman and two girls at Vajdahunyad Castle, Budapest. circa 1915
Men sunbathing along the Danube in Budapest. circa 1913
Five men standing on a street in Budapest c1912
A woman standing in from of graffiti - Budapest c 1912
Irén Varsányi (actress) walking down Pannónia Street, Budapest (near the Comedy Theatre) c 1912
Irén Varsányi (actress) in front of the BOHM JOSEF GEZA Store near the Comedy Theatre, Budapest circa 1912
Man and woman walking down the road in Budapest c 1912
Two woman at Nyugati Railway Station. circa 1913
Woman reading paper in yard.
Man standing next to bridge. circa 1912
Woman with boy and girl standing in Liberty Square, Budapest. circa 1913
Woman with boy and girl standing in Liberty Square, Budapest. circa 1913
Budapest. circa 1913
(Nyugati tér) West Square next to Nyugati train station. Budapest - circa 1914
People standing in front of the "Artists Entrance" of the Comedy Theatre, Budapest c 1912
Two men walking down the street in Budapest c 1912
Two men talking on a street in front of the Comedy Theatre, Budapest c 1912
Mór Ditrói, The founding director of the Vígszínház (Comedy Theater) in Budapest. circa 1913
Mór Ditrói, The founding director of the Vígszínház (Comedy Theater) in Budapest. circa 1913
Young girl sitting on a wall in Budapest c 1912
Two men walking with young girl in Budapest c 1912
Woman walking across street in Budapest c 1912
Two men talking on a street in front of the Comedy Theatre, Budapest c 1912
Standing next to the Lipót körút, Vígszínház (The Theatre) c 1912
Woman standing in front of the Comedy Theatre, Budapest c 1912
Men on an obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men on obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men on obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Military drill at the Ludovica Military Academy c. 1912
Men at large dinner in the Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
A soccer match at the Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Viktor Isépy and his mother Viktorné Isépy (born Julianna Kovács - 1840-1912) walking along the Danube. Margaret Bridge, Budapest. circa 1910
Ninon in front of the Bristol. Budapest. circa 1910
The Hungarian Parliament House from boat, Budapest. circa 1910
The Parliament Building from Buda, Budapest circa 1912