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Maribor from the river. 1913
A dirt road leading down to a river. 1913
István Csók and Ferenc Székely 1914
Woman walking up Pannónia Street, Budapest c 1912
Woman standing beside door of Comedy Theater, on Pannónia Street, Budapest with onlookers c 1912
Woman with her horse buggy in Budapest. circa 1912
Woman with her horse and buggy in Budapest. circa 1912
Irén Varsányi (actress) in front of the BOHM JOSEF GEZA Store near the Comedy Theatre, Budapest circa 1912
Two woman sitting on the back of a flat-bed wagon in Budapest. circa 1912
Couple "horsing around" with onlookers. Budapest circa 1912
3 woman walking along Pannónia Street, Budapest
Woman standing in front of fence near Pannónia Street, Budapest c 1912
Magda Jankovich (actress) circa 1913
Irén (Biri) Csáky (actress) circa 1913
Irén (Biri) Csáky (actress) circa 1913
Irén (Biri) Csáky (actress) circa 1913 
Magda Jankovich (actress) circa 1913
Magda Jankovich (actress) circa 1913
Magda Jankovich (actress) circa 1913
Magda Jankovich (actress) circa 1913
Magda Jankovich (actress) circa 1913
Magda Jankovich (actress) circa 1913
Magda Jankovich (actress) circa 1913
Magda Jankovich (actress) circa 1913
Magda Jankovich (actress) circa 1913
István Csók 50th birthday at a “Kagál” dinner. 1915
István Csók 50th birthday at a “Kagál” dinner. 1915
István Csók 50th birthday at a “Kagál” dinner. 1915
István Csók 50th birthday at a “Kagál” dinner. 1915
István Csók 50th birthday at a “Kagál” dinner. 1917
Five men standing on a street in Budapest c1912
A woman standing in from of graffiti - Budapest c 1912
Irén Varsányi (actress) walking down Pannónia Street, Budapest (near the Comedy Theatre) c 1912
Irén Varsányi (actress) in front of the BOHM JOSEF GEZA Store near the Comedy Theatre, Budapest circa 1912
Man and woman walking down the road in Budapest c 1912
Rowing on the Danube. circa 1913
Rowing on the Danube. László Isépy boat steady. circa 1913
Rowing on the Danube. circa 1913
Group portrait on the shores of the Danube. circa 1913