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House with Church behind. Dresden.1914
Viktor Isépy and his mother Viktorné Isépy and young girl walking along the Danube. circa 1912
Woman and child walking along path. circa 1912
Lulu and János Hoffman. circa 1911
Lulu and János Hoffman. circa 1911
Lászlóné Isépy in unknown location - likely Budapest. circa 1913
Older lady sitting at table with others. circa 1913
Irén Varsányi and her children
Irén Varsányi and her children.
A River. circa 1912
The Passage Panopticum on Friedrichstrasse in Berlin. 1912
Unknown Location - possibly in Berlin. 1912
Overlooking road with tram. circa 1914
Crowd in unknown location. circa 1913
The tomb of playwright Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin). Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris, France. circa 1914
obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy. circa 1912
László Isépy at the Ludovika Military Academy with soldiers. circa 1912
Woman sitting in chair. circa 1913
Woman looking in mirror, with onlooker. circa 1913
Woman looking down at shoe strap. circa 1913
Woman sitting in chair. circa 1913
Woman sitting at small table. circa 1913
Woman looking in mirror. circa 1913
Woman with feet up on chair. circa 1913
Woman reading large book. circa 1913
Woman. circa 1913
Woman with cigarette. circa 1913
Woman on bed at the studio. circa 1913
Woman on bed at the studio. circa 1913