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Box 2339

Ludovika Military Academy & Portraits

Sári Kürthy (Actress) circa 1912
Sári Kürthy (Actress) circa 1912
Sári Kürthy (Actress) circa 1912
2 women standing in water.
Row-boats  on the river bank. Budapest, Római part - Tungsram factory in the distance. circa 1913
A bust only version of the Augustus of Primaporta statue. c. 1912
Sári Fedák. (Actress) in costume - 1916
Sári Fedák. (Actress) in costume - 1916
Ödön Bárdi as "Kapitány" (Captain) in the play "Farsang" (Carnival) 1916
László Isépy smoking pipe on a veranda  circa 1912
Sándor Góth at the Comedy Theatre circa 1916
Men on an obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men on obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men on obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men in uniform walking through the grounds of the Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men walking field near the main building of the Ludovica Military Academy c. 1912
Men in obstacle training at the Ludovica Military Academy c.1912
Military drill at the Ludovica Military Academy c. 1912
Men sitting for portrait at the Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
The "Paris" Box - 2339 - Portraits and the Ludovica Military Academy.