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Woman in rocking chair - circa 1914
Kálmán Schenk in the Dining Room, with Oszkár Hollán behind. circa 1910
Woman in rocking chair - circa 1914
Kálmán Schenk in the Dining Room, with Stella behind him. circa 1910
Woman in rocking chair - circa 1914
János Hoffman in the Salon. circa 1910
Unidentified woman - circa 1914
Viktor Isépy and his mother Viktorné Isépy (born Julianna Kovács - 1840-1912) walking along the Danube. Margaret Bridge, Budapest. circa 1910
Woman adjusting pantyhose - circa 1914
Adél reading in the Salon. circa 1910
Woman smiling, sitting on chair circa 1914
Group in the Salon: Adél, Irén, János, Lulu, Hopfenreich, Kornél. circa 1910
Woman reclining in seat - circa 1914
Lulu and János Hoffman in the Salon. circa 1910
Lulu and János Hoffman in the Salon. circa 1910
Two woman on sofa - circa 1914
János Hoffman reading in the Salon. circa 1910
Woman looking in mirror - circa 1914
Kornél and Irén - Easter 1910
Woman laying on bed - circa 1914
Adolf Lord and Lulu - Easter 1910
The box containing images in Box Series 8684
Unknown woman - circa 1914
Unidentified woman - circa 1914
Klári Fátyol Balassáné - circa 1913
A group of men stand on the corner near the Lipót körút, Vígszínház (The Theatre) c 1912
Unidentified Woman - circa 1914
The gothic clock tower of Straubing, Germany. circa 1912
Man and woman standing in doorway of "Franz Ehrnthaller" circa 1913
Men on an obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Men on an obstacle course at Ludovika Military Academy c. 1912
Unknown location circa 1913
Jardin du Luxemberg
Man standing on Königstraße, Dillingen, Germany - circa 1913
Jardin du Luxemberg - Paris circa 1914
Mittertor, Kelheim - circa 1913
Passau circa 1913
Marien Bridge. Passau  circa 1913
Jardin du Luxemberg - Watching a Paprika Janci show (folk puppet show), Paris. circa 1914